Sometimes, dogs are your best friends, but they are not fans of people who are your friends.

Dogs get stressed, have anxiety attacks, or become aggressive. 

The only way to tackle this problem is to train your pet/dog “How to interact with others?” In simple terms, we can say it is social training.

What is Social training, & Does your pet really need it?

Dog socialization is what we do when our new Dog intentionally gets used to different people, dogs and places. This gives them peace of mind to be confident in their new life with you. 

When a dog is not well socialized, it can be not easy to go for walks, have people over or even visit the vet. This new monster and beginning walk may have frightened or upset your Dog, causing erratic behavior with other humans. Basically, socializing with your Dog is great for keeping it happy and getting along with everyone else!

How do you socialize your Dog with different people and other dogs?

Whenever we talk about the social training of pets/Dog, we must consider the following tips that are as follows:

Here are some tips on how to make your Dog comfortable with other Humans.

Expose Them

Let your Dog spend time around men, women, children, and others so they get used to being around different people who are bigger than them. Here are some tips from Pedigree to help with socializing your Dog:

  • Don’t give treats or praise when your dog acts scared of people—this can make them more nervous.
  • Make sure people pet your Dog where they can see it, like on their chest or chin.
  • Stick to the basics. A dog that knows its training and daily routine well will be more confident and friendly.

Don’t Lock them up. 

Let your pet run free when you are not. Let them know the people you are close to so every time when they see them, they are not afraid.

Dog, The Health Bond

Daily Walk is the Key

Taking your Dog for walks is a good way to socialize them. In this, they meet new people and see different places outside their homes. Walking also helps them use up extra energy, so they’ll be calmer and more relaxed. 

Here’s a tip from Cesar Milan

When your dog barks or misbehaves on a walk, try not to pull on the leash or yell at them. This can make them even more excited and make the walk unpleasant. Instead, stay calm and help them feel positive about meeting other dogs and being outside.

Be Timely

It’s important to start socialization on time. Habits learned at a young age will stick throughout life. Therefore, experts say the age of a puppy from 3 to 12 weeks is the sweetest spot to socialize them.

This list will be helpful for you and your furry friend. 

On a leaving note, Let me Know which tips you are going to adopt and must share your results.

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